You know it is difficult to debate with an avatar. You describe yourself as a "Suburban Nihilist" and appear to enjoy "gaslighting" liberals on Medium.
I make it a practice to read commentary from "many perspectives." My personal political leanings are centrist, but I know enough environmental history to be very concerned about threats related to Climate Change. My regular job is as a high school teacher. (Liberal) My summer job is as a farm advocate and forest land manager. (Conservative) I am a "white, male, Christian." (Conservative). I have always lived in the NorthEast (Liberal.) What I really am is a "Rhino." Rockefeller, Romney, Baker Republican who feels that his party has been hijacked by reactionary and racist ex-Democrats. I also know WAY too much history.
The key question for me is "Are we learning as the pandemic progresses?" My answer is that Northeastern Governors are learning much faster than elsewhere. Charlie Baker has had the highest crossover appeal of any governor in the country, but he is being rejected by Trump supporters. Does that make him a "RINO" or a highly effective pragmatic leader in the most educated state in the nation?
That is for the reader to judge.