Thank you for writing this and sharing the immense difficulty that you and others are feeling in this present moment.
I completely agree with your main point. Sometimes we just need to rest. Sometimes we need to heal. Sometimes we can't just power our way through to the next level because the challenges are too daunting.
I have always hear the phrase a crisis is a horrible thing to waste in the context of political and business leadership. For example, the crisis of the Great Depression allowed FDR to increase financial regulations and create Social Security. Hopefully Covid-19 will bring us closer to universal health care.
Part of the deeper lesson of the present moment is that we are all in this together. That means sometimes we need to be supporting other people. Sometimes we need to let other people support us. Our winner take all society and economy only means that everybody loses.
I hope that as you continue to write about your challenges that will help open the door to your next opportunity.