I loved your article.
I would love to hear your thoughts about how we can get better candidates. Each of them were chosen by the voters in their parties. We can form third parties but that can do funny things to electoral college outcomes. (Google election of 2000 in Florida for details.)
What struck me the most about the 2020 election is that in the midst of a pandemic people voted for people who made them feel safe. The three leading candidates were all white guys in their 70s. It felt like people were voting for their grandfathers.
John F. Kennedy talked about the torch being passed to a new generation of Americans. The boomers cling to power like retirement is an existential crisis.
How do we find good people who are willing to run? How do we find people with the skills and resources that will get them elected?
If the present is unacceptable than it is up to build a better future. I would love your thoughts on how we could start doing that.