I have a question, what does the data suggest about the political opinions of Americans? Obama and the democrats controlled the presidency and both houses of congress. They just barely got Obamacare passed, lost a Senate seat in Massachusetts, and then got hammered in the 2010 midterms. You can argue that they weren’t progressive enough or that they just didn’t have the votes and power to go further.
The more Obama did the more he energized the Tea Party and Trump himself. Obviously the country needs massive structural reforms. But, Constitutional amendments are notoriously difficult to pass. Women’s suffrage took 72 years. Activists are still fighting for the ERA after 97 years.
The problem with politics is that purists usually lose elections and inspire resistance to their reforms.
Joe Biden was not my first choice, he was the first choice of Southern Black women. Biden passes the any rational adult test.
Keep building the movement that can achieve long term change. But this election is an emergency. Stop the bleeding from Covid-19 and every other failure and catastrophe of the last four tears. Then we can put greater pressure on for progressive change. Now is not the time to lament Biden’s weaknesses or 2012 might go down as the last free and fair election in American history.