I enjoyed many of your ideas here. I am struggling a bit to understand the central thrust of your argument. People of all races and ethnicities have sought fame, wealth, and influence through paths that were open to them. Sports, movies, and music have all been willing to exploit young people's bodies for profit.
The cries I hear in the Black Lives Matter struggles are of a deep lament for the state of the country. Protesters are asking why after all these years, are we still experiencing so much injustice? Dr. King used "American ideals" to challenge White Americans to renew their commitment to equality. Others like Malcolm-X called out the "Black Moderates" like King who accepted the constitutional norms of American society.
The problem with representation is one of justice. Many indigenous tribes have fought for decades against Native American Mascots, precisely because it allowed the dominant culture to determine how they were represented in public life.
I think the greater issue is the balance between justice and peace. A just society is a peaceful society. When wealthy elites hoard privilege then the cry of the underclass will continue to grow. Americans need to decide if they value equality of opportunity or prefer maintaining the status quo for themselves and their family.