I completely agree that we are in a battle for reality. I also think the simplest explanation is the easiest. Most Trump lawsuits have been thrown out of court for lack of evidence. Tucker Carlson cited a handful of alleged cases of "dead democrats voting" to prove that the entire party is corrupt, while failing to note that expanded access to mail in voting helps hard working Americans to vote when they can't afford the 11 hour wait in line to vote in Georgia.
Trump told supporters to vote on election day. Democrats encouraged their voters to vote early and by mail. Changing vote totals as mail-in and absentee votes are counted is not evidence of fraud.
What I find most concerning about your article is the assertion that Trump owns the Supreme Court. Republicans do have one more Conservative vote than they should if Republicans respected precedent. The Court is a coequal part of the Federal government specifically to protect them from political influence. Abandoning that principle is a step toward autocracy and away from representative democracy.
Republican state election officials are rejecting claims of fraud. The margins are too large to be overcome by recounts, with the possible exception of Georgia.
My final question for you is what is your ultimate arbiter of truth and fact claims? I do not see you supporting your thesis with credible arguments.