Meister Käßner
2 min readSep 23, 2020

Hi Lauren,

I appreciate your concerns and the strong arguments that you have made. I am also partially responding to some of your recent articles as well.

A politician must market themselves as the solution to many different people's challenges. I recently read some statistics that 60% of White, Black, and Hispanic voters strongly support police departments having the support and funding they need to do their jobs.

Trump is trying to paint Biden as a creature of the radical left. You helpfully remind us that he is not. When he is campaigning in Wisconsin and responding to reporters' questions he is trying to appeal to all voters, but also many older whites without college educations.

Maybe he is taking the left for granted, but he also does not have to worry too much about losing New York, California, Massachusetts, or Vermont.

When FDR won his sweeping mandate in 1932, he was intentionally vague about his goals. He promised pragmatism over specific policies. The more specific politicians get in their promises the more people they could theoretically offend.

At one point when Progressive activists were pushing Obama to move more quickly on their agenda, he told them to make him do it. What I think he meant was that activists need to create a broad enough movement of support so that legislation will pass both the House and the Senate.

Remember, Biden was ahead of Trump on Gay Marriage. He also understands the concerns of working-class voters. The problem is that he needs to stop the bleeding of Covid-19 and the economic collapse before he will be able to enact meaningful changes to the Social Welfare safety net.

Meister Käßner

I have been reflecting and writing about the stories, people, and places Northwest of Boston for thirty-five years. I also teach history and manage forest land.