Hi, I would like to be added as a writer for Lesson's From History.
My favorite historical character is Mary Rowlandson. She is a bit of a local hero around here she was abducted by Native Americans during King Philip's War and wrote an interesting account of her experiences. Her book can be used effectively as a lens to teach colonial worldviews and how they responded to threats and friendship from Native Americans.
This answer might seem off, but we can ONLY judge the past through today's lens. We are living in the present and our thoughts, assumptions, and cultural understandings our shaped by the present. Sure, we can say that based on the morality of the times there was nothing wrong with Thomas Jefferson sleeping with Sally Hemmings. But John and Abigail Adams were aware and were concerned. To judge Jefferson based on the standards of the white colonial South is to imagine that we can successfully recreate their world view and make judgements with it. That is extremely difficult. Even if we think we are judging the past through the past's lens, we will be wrong more often than right.