As a white teacher who has attempted to provide anti-racist education to white students the "all white people are racist" language shuts down conversation and does not open it up.
I have preferred the language of "implicit bias" or all people have a "natural preference" for their own tribe.
I completely agree that we have to own our "biases" maybe even use controversial words like "sin (even the original kind)" to describe it.
Our use of language can deepen our lines of division or heal them. I have always admired leaders like Martin Luther King. What strikes me the most about his critics from both the left and the right (I'm referring here primarily to Malcolm X and George Wallace), is how they changed and grew over time. X became more inclusive before being shot by the Nation of Islam. Wallace publicly repented and apoligised.
My larger question which is driving my writer and ponderings is "How do we heal"?
How do we go through the difficult process of "Truth and Reconciliation?"
Finally, what do we need to Repent of and what changes do we need to adoptso we might build a beloved community in these horribly disunited and fractured states of Chaos and Confusion in this Occupied Territory which we Stole from the Indigenous inhabitants before we Stole your ancestors from your native land?
The query above is intentionally poorly written and edited. (Kind of like our shared myth of American Progress)
How do we live together in peace, harmony, and shalom here on Turtle Island?
That is my question. That is my prayer.