As a white person who has taken several black history courses and teaches this history to white students, I guess my question is how we move forward as a nation. Dr. King spoke of a beloved community and he cited Lincoln to move white Americans to action. The result was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Kennedy's assassination helped, but a lot of the work was done by a "racist southerner" Lyndon Johnson.
Germany found a way to "repent of the holocaust." Malcolm X towards the end of his life was willing to start working with white liberals.
I totally agree we have to speak the truth and honor ALL of the vicitims of white supremacy and patriarchy and violence.
My problem is that I need to show students that Lincoln changed and grew over time so they can see that they can change and grow to.
I have to tell them how I have been learning to overcome my racial blinders so they can overcome theirs.
We need to find a way to reach an inclusive story that allows us to rebuild. But first we need a new president and senate so that our national trauma can stop.